

She's classy, never trashy. She's cute and sexy. Her hair and makeup are always perfect. She selects the best outfits and works with great photographers. THAT is a great model to me. If it all doesn't come together, it equals trash, but she equals treasure. 

She always gives something for the boys, gives something for the girls and can even be admired by young girls. Work all this together and I see a smart gal...a smart gal with an accessories line you'll definitely want to see. For now, we talked to Emily, and this is what she had to say...


Ventura Nationals HOLLY GOLLOB

Being from Ventura (CA), it was always planned that Labor Day Weekend would be spent at the Ventura Nationals (Primer Nationals in the early years). Saturday at the fairgrounds, turned into vending the weekend at the shows (first for Rascoe Photography then for Pistol Magazine). Always running into old friends and making new ones. 

The entire weekend was full of things to do: across town on Friday was the art show and Saturday always had parties scattered around downtown and midtown. Now with new blood and new ideas, this year we found ourselves Downtown Ventura for the entire weekend. Everything progresses and times change around you. I think this year was a great example of how pulling new and old together proved to be a successful choice. 

Friction in the Static's TINY

I first met Tiny at our first interview about Pistol Magazine. I'd done my homework, listened to many of his shows and definitely heard the round tables (mentioned below as his favorite)...YES, I was fucking nervous! Fortunately it wasn't just me at the table, Matt Rascoe and Dan "Ren" Habershaw were there and so were strong drinks. After meeting and talking, I realized he wasn't out to make me look like a fool and that he was actually a really nice guy. I was relieved!

Despite this guy knowing damn near everyone, he was one of the first I thought of when I decided to do these features. I love to listen to his show, find out about new things, and gain inspiration from him. He really knows what he's doing and is good at it. Heres a little past, present and future for you. AND check out the links below.